Granite colors
When you order a custom headstone from Grant Memorials, there are many color options to choose from. Here is a list of our swatches. If you are interested in a custom headstone please contact us at 225 - 302 -7515 or to discuss options or schedule an appointment.
Autumn Mist - India
Butterfly Blue - India
Black Supreme - China
Bahama Blue - India
Cats Eye - India
Civil Gray - China
Cloud Gray - Minnesota
Coffee Pearl - India
Dakota Mahogany - S. Dakota
Galaxy Black - India
Georgia Blue - Georgia
India Mahogany - India
India Red - India
Medium Barre Grey - Vermont
Mountain Rose - Canada
Newbury Gray - China
Paradiso - India
Pink Pearl - Georgia
Salisbury Pink - N. Carolina
Seashell Pink - China
Steel Grey - India